Decision-making bodies
Ensuring transparency, independence and professionalism in investment decisions
Among others, Axis has the following decision-making and control bodies to ensure transparency, independence and professionalism in investment decisions:
Board of Directors. AXIS's governing body that is responsible for, amongst other functions, giving final approval for investment and disinvestment operations. It is composed as follows:
Chairman: José Carlos García de Quevedo (Chairman of Instituto de Crédito Oficial)
Deputy Chairman: Rosario Casero (Chief Investment Officer of ICO)
Antonio Bandrés
Elena Aranda
Javier Morales
Jaime Cervera
Blanca Gloria Navarro
Begoña Amores Serrano
Fernando Hernández Domínguez
Secretary: Cayetana Lado Castro-Rial (Legal Counsel and Secretary of the Board of ICO)
Audit and Control Committee. Specialised body set up within the Board of Directors to provide technical support and assistance in the field of monitoring.
Investment Committees. There is an investment committee for each Fund (FOND-ICOpyme and FOND-ICOinfraestructuras) and in both cases they are composed of three members appointed at the proposal of ICO/Axis and at least two independent experts. These are the bodies responsible for giving investment and disinvestment operations the green light before they are presented to the Board of Directors.