Information on sustainability

Fond-ICO Sostenibilidad e Infraestructuras

AXIS focuses its activity on empowering the growth, development and internationalisation of Spanish companies with one main objective: the promotion of economic activities that contribute to sustainable growth, job creation and the distribution of wealth.

AXIS, through its range of managed funds, promotes sustainability (environmental, social and governance) as the backbone of its investment strategy, which is in turn framed the ICO Group's Sustainability Strategy.

Among the funds managed by Axis, Fond-ICO Sostenibilidad e Infraestructuras Fond-ICO Sustainability and Infrastructures invests in mobility, energy, environmental and social infrastructures with an impact on the energy transition, responsible use of resources or greater social development.

The investment process ensures the fund is aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the Paris Climate Agreement (COP-21) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The Fund aims to primarily meet SDGs 7, 9 and 11.


Goal 7 aims to ensure access to affordable energy, increase the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency.




Goal 9 seeks to build reliable, sustainable, resilient and quality infrastructure to support economic development and human well-being.




Goal 11 aims to reduce the environmental impact of cities through investments in mobility infrastructure, energy and basic services to the population.



Some contributions from Fond-ICO Sostenibilidad e Infraestructuras in 2023:

  • Reduction of GHG emissions: 111,776 Tn of CO2.
  • Installed renewable generation capacity: 560 operational MWs.
  • Renewable energy produced: 931,465 MW/h produced.
  • Recovered industrial waste: 804,000 Tm.



Information on sustainability

Fond-ICO Sostenibilidad e Infraestructuras , FICC (the "Fund") is subject to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR) on sustainability disclosures in the financial services sector.


The Fund promotes environmental or social criteria, and although it does not have a sustainable investment objective, it does have a minimum investment percentage (50%) which are devoted to sustainable investments with an environmental objective but which cannot be considered environmentally sustainable according to the EU taxonomy. 


For further reference, the Fund mainly invests in mobility sector, energy, environmental and social infrastructure, where it promotes criteria such as energy transition, the responsible use of resources or greater social development.


With regard to article 6.1.a of the SFDR, the investment process takes into account sustainability risks and is based on Axis’s own and third-party analysis. 


The Management Company tailors its obligations under SFDR rules to the funds it manages. In this regard, it complies with the internal Sustainability Policy, individually assessing its application to each fund managed, always in the best interest of the investor and the fund itself. 


Information Fond-ICO Sostenibilidad e Infraestructuras , FICC