Fond-ICO Next Tech Portfolio

Holdings and commitments in companies/funds specialising primarily in the digital and artificial intelligence sectors

 Direct investment in companies 

Relación de empresas



Activity Participants Amount Approved (M€)
 Amount Invested (M€)
Amount Mobilised in Spain (M€)



July 2022

Multimobility company for fleet electrification
EIB / Mutua Madrileña / Orilla Asset Management
20 20 82



May 2023

Satellite infrastructure and platform with artificial intelligence
 ESRI / Conexo / CDTI
9 9 39



July 2023

Freight transport based on artificial intelligence and big data
Continental / Kibo / Volvo
5 5 34


September 2023

Last mile freight transport for e-commerce
Softbank / Unbound / Kibo
10 10 44


July 2024

Technological platform for intelligence and e-commerce solutions

Accel / Insight / NEA / Naver / Korelya 20 20 81


October 2024

Neurotechnology company specializing in the manufacturing of medical devices. Asabys / Sabadell / CDTI / EIC / ICF 8 8 53

  Investment funds 

List of funds

Investment funds



Target size Next Tech Investment (M€)  

Investment sectors

Strategic investors

Lead Wind Ventures, FCR

April 2022


100 Technology-based projects, artificial intelligence, blockchain, centralised networks, internet of things, 5G connectivity, augmented reality, data analytics, cloud, robotics, etc.  Telefónica, BBVA

Seaya Andrómeda Sustainable Tech Fund I, FCR

June 2022

250 100 Sustainability, energy transition, electrification of the economy, sustainable agriculture and circular economy  
Iberdrola, Seaya, Nortia Capital

A&G Energy Transition Tech Fund, FCR

March 2024

150 42 Energy sources, distribution and transportation, consumption, circular economy, and new sustainable materials Corporates such as Teknia Group, Disa and Elion

SC Net Zero Ventures Fund I, FCRE

May 2024

150 40 Mobility, circular economy, and decarbonized industry, digital energy solutions, and renewable energy generation and distribution Repsol

K-Fund II, SLP

May 2024

255 25 Consumption, fintech, mobility, and SaaS (software as a service) Naver, Lexington

Invivo Ventures III, FCRE

June 2024

100 21 Technology transfer, biotechnology EIF, ICF, private laboratories

GP Bullhound Fund IV, SCSp

July 2024

292 50 High-tech component companies (deep-tech) Insurance firms and family offices

Quadrille Technologies V Companies, SLP

December 2024

400 35 Biotechnology, cybersecurity, big data processing, artificial intelligence, health technology, and machine learning French insurance firms

Hyperion Fund, FCR

December 2024

150 45 Defense, cybersecurity, and aerospace sector Indra, Oesía and Sapa

   Investment funds European Tech Champions Initiative

Relación de fondos
Investment funds


Target size  Next Tech Investment (M€)


Investment sectors

Strategic investors


ETCI: European Tech Champions Initiative



400 To mobilise private capital from European investors towards highly innovative and high-growth scale-ups and thus sustainably strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy

 Public investment funds from Belgium, France, Italy and Germany