Good Governance Pillar

AXIS and Sustainability


AXIS, as the venture capital manager of the ICO Group, adopts the Instituto de Crédito Oficial's commitments to good governance and undertakes to operate in an ethical, transparent and responsible manner. Ensures accountability to its stakeholders through the provision of clear and accessible information. It also excludes certain sectors from its investments, which will not be financed because they go against the ICO Group's principles of action and sustainability, applies anti-money laundering regulations and integrates social and environmental criteria in its decision-making and investment management, encouraging stakeholder participation in the development and review of its policies.

AXIS ensures regulatory compliance and manages financial, operational and reputational risks, with a particular focus on environmental and social risks. By doing so, it contributes to sustainable development and the wellbeing of society. Its focus on sustainability is reflected in the integration of ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria in all its decisions.

AXIS, through all its investments, seeks to balance financial return with positive impact on society and the environment, thus ensuring a more sustainable future for all.